company profile

SwissNeutronics was founded in 1999 as a spin-off company of the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Villigen, Switzerland. It is organized and registered as a joint stock company according to Swiss law. The know-how developed at PSI in the design and production of supermirror coatings was made fully available to the company for commercialization. In the meantime, SwissNeutronics has developed the technique for neutron supermirror coatings continuously further, thereby establishing the highest available quality and performance. Today our products cover a wide range of neutron optics as well as the planning, design, construction, and installation of complete instruments.
our objectives
By applying state of the art neutron optical techniques the performance of most neutron beamlines can be improved considerably. The investment for neutron optical devices is by far lower than for comparable improvements of the flux of the neutron source. Compact components such as benders and focusing devices can normally be installed without any major reconstruction of the instrument.