SwissNeutronics AG - Bruehlstrasse 28 - CH-5313 Klingnau - Switzerland - phone: +4156 245 02 02 -


One of the major goals of founding SwissNeutronics was to focus the expertise of scientists and engineers for developing and producing high-quality products for neutron scattering, synchrotron x-ray scattering, and light scattering. The company is managed by physicists and engineers with a strong background in the instrumentation for neutron scattering.

SwissNeutronics AG management

Prof. Dr. Peter Böni, CEO, former Head of the chair for neutron scattering at the Physics Department, Technical University of Munich, D-85747 Garching, Germany. He was responsible for the development of the supermirror technology at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. These developments allowed for the first time to build a neutron facility (i.e. SINQ at Paul Scherrer Institute) that relies completely on supermirror coated neutron guides.
P. Böni (tech(at) is responsible for development, simulations, contracts, customer relations.

Prof. Dr. Albert Furrer, CFO, former Head of the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering ETH & PSI, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland. He was one of the initiators to build the Swiss spallation neutron source SINQ and to establish the European Neutron Scattering Association ENSA.
A. Furrer (albert.furrer(at) is responsible for financial administration and customer relations.

Dr. Christian Schanzer, COO, joined SwissNeutronics in the year 2005. In 1996 he assisted in the development of the supermirror coating technology at the FRM-II in Munich. From 1999 to 2001 he was responsible for the quality control and the installation of the neutron guide system at the new research reactor FRM-II.
C. Schanzer (christian.schanzer(at) is responsible for the project management, technical concepts, development of coatings, simulations, customer relations.

Dr. Michael Schneider, CRO, joined SwissNeutronics in the year 2006.
M. Schneider (michael.schneider(at) is responsible for focusing and polarizing devices, scientific computing and the development of new technologies.

SwissNeutronics AG operating team

Postition / Department Joined in
1 Baumgartner Pascal head of engineering design 2004
2 Blumenstein Michel CNC machining 2018
3 Blumenstein Yvonne substrate preparation 2021
4 Böni Peter CEO, partner 1999
5 Brisacher Beat head of assembly 2001
6 Büchi Janno project management, mechanical engineering 2021
7 Furrer Albert CFO, partner 1999
8 Gassler Martin work preparation, quality assurance 2000
9 Hohl Dominik head of 3d metrology and installation 2011
10 Hunt Alexander assembly 2007
11 Kirstein Leon substrate preparation 2023
12 Leuenberger Daniel head of CNC machining 2001
13 Leuenberger Manuel head of substrate preparation 2001
14 Meier Marlies substrate preparation 2004
15 Pawelek Pascal 3d metrology and installation 2022
16 Rezaie Mohammad Akram assembly 2018
17 Schäpper Nico engineering design 2005
18 Schanzer Christian COO, R&D sputtering 2005
19 Schneider Michael CRO, R&D sputtering and monochromators 2006
20 Signer Cerry CNC machining 2019